Thursday, November 13, 2014

Renovation Update: Thursday, November 13, 2014

The winter weather is finally upon us and renovation work is slowing down.  Since the last post, we have completed laying sod on 2 South and the irrigation is work is done on both 2 and 3 South. Also completed was the pond bank restoration on 6 South as well as fairway grade shaping by the green on 6.  #3 South is rough shaped and we anticipate completing the final shaping by the end of next week.  At this time we're unsure of the ability to lay sod next week on #3 as sod farms are beginning to shut down for the year with the recent freezing temperatures and light snow.  In the spring we will be completing holes 4 and 5 South as well as finishing all South course bunkers with Matrix bunker liner and new sand.  Below are photos of the updated project work from the last two weeks. Enjoy-

Ledgestone blocks (2,000 lb's each!) being unloaded using the Mini-X

Ledgestone wall in front of 6 South green installed in-house with our mini-x and staff

Bentgrass sod being laid on new fairway expansions on 2 South

Current conditions as of 11/13/14 at 4pm slowing down renovation work for the year