Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Wild Turkeys at WCCC

Wild Turkey by #3 North Tees
Meleagris gallopavo, or wild turkey, have been spotted recently at Walnut Creek.  As stewards for the environment, golf courses are often the hosts of many different plant and animal species.  The wild turkey in Michigan became a thing of the past in the early 1900's due to lack of habitat and over hunting, but made a comeback recently because of strong reintroduction efforts.  Although they look nice, they're quite fast and will chase you if you get too close.  Even as a large bird, the wild turkey can actually fly up to 55 mph over short distances.  When you see them on the course this year and want to take a picture, just remember to respect them and to keep a safe distance away. 
Inflating His Chest!

Information for this post was gathered from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources website (click here to visit the site). Both photos were taken at Walnut Creek Country Club.