Thursday, October 25, 2012

Getting ready for play: 8 and 9 South

As we near the end of fall this year we're working hard to ensure 8 and 9 south play great next season.  The holes are looking nice and I anticipate they will play very well next year.  The grounds crew has been working on smoothing the greens while also working out grain that developed while growing them in.  During aerification, these greens were punched twice to remove thatch (dead plant material) accumulation and smooth out the surface.
Hand Brooming and Mowing 9 South Green
Now that 8 and 9 south greens have healed in, we've done a few other cultural practices that help smooth the putting surface, increase future greens speeds, and help them become great greens.  One practice we have done is hand brooming greens.  You may think it sounds funny, but it's a great practice to lift leaf blades of the plant that are laying down and to cut them at the proper height.  Following brooming, topdressing sand is applied to the green to fill in any gaps in turf while also smoothing the surface.  Plant leaf tissue that lays down on a putting surface is commonly referred to as grain.  When grain is removed, the putting surface will be much more true and more consistent green speeds can be expected.
Rolling 8 South With a 2,171 lb Street Roller
Following brooming and topdressing greens we rolled them with a street roller which helped smooth out imperfections in the green.  These imperfections likely originated from the greens mix blowing around before seed germination due to wind.  Currently the greens are looking fantastic and should be outstanding for next year!