Thursday, May 9, 2013

Tee squaring and aerification update


#1 South tee surrounds have germinated! This morning we observed the first signs of germination only 7 days after seeding.  By the weekend it will undoubtedly be fuzzy with new growth.  As we continue to grow these areas in, we ask that members and guest continue to use the designated walk paths on and off the tees and to avoid walking on the newly seeded areas.

Germination on 1 South Men's Tee 7 days after seeding


South and West greens aerifications are complete and today we're tackling the North course.  The anticipated rain tomorrow is great since all of our greens will be done and the rain will help work in the sand for a smooth surface.  Given the nice weather, a 10-14 day recovery can be expected.

Core collector built by Hector saving money by reduced time and labor
as well as leaving a cleaner, smoother green surface instead of shoveling off the cores!