Monday, February 25, 2013

8 South

8 South Fairway: Plug has been in the office for 9 days
Spring is undoubtedly not far away, and at this time of the year superintendents begin to think about how the turfgrass has handled this cold season.  Most of the time, superintendents will take a cup cutter plug out of a green or fairway and see if it greens up in their office or greenhouse.  Nine days ago I took a plug out of 8 South fairway to analyze how it will react in the spring.  To my delight, the plug greened up and is growing nicely.  This is a great sign for spring!

The USGA put out a spring report that talks a lot about winter kill on turfgrass as well as steps to recover from it which include irrigating turf earlier than you may think.  If you have the time, you can read the whole article by clicking this link